Month: October 2018

Rehearsals this week and other announcements

Good evening,

I want to start off by saying “thank you” to all of the students and parents who helped at the Trojan Band game on Thursday. Every person was very flexible with the rain and with the constant change in plans due to that weather. The volunteers have been spot on and are part of what make the games so well run. It has been a great season and I hope that everyone involved had as much fun as I did.

Rehearsals this week:

7th Grade Monday the 29th from 3:30-5:00

8th Grade Tuesday the 30th from 3:30-5:00

Please remember that these rehearsals are a grade for the students. We are unable to replicate combining both classes in any other way and therefore only get one practice before the concert.

Students who are in another Carrollton activity will split their time between band and their activity. Students will leave the band rehearsal at 4:00PM to attend cheerleading, wrestling, or whatever other activity they are a part of as long as they have notified me ahead of time. This will allow them to get full credit for the rehearsal. Thank you for your flexibility!

High School Chili Cookoff:

The 7th grade percussionists have been invited to perform at the Chili Cookoff on Tuesday! This is a high school band event. Please be there at 6:00 to eat some delicious chili and to prepare to perform. We encourage all perccussion parents to attend and to bring a crockpot full of chili too!

If you are not a percussionist you may also attend! Dinner starts at 6 and there will be plenty of music by percussion ensembles and other chamber groups. Dinner is free 🙂


Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

-M. Menendez

Announcements for the Week

Good morning,

Here are some important dates that we need to keep on our radar:

10/25 JH Football Championship Game 

10/29 7th Grade after school rehearsal 3:30-5:00

10/30 8th Grade after school rehearsal 3:30-5:00

11/6 Fall Concert @7:00

11/12 Veterans Day Performance (8th Grade only. During school hours)

11/16 Carowinds Deposit $50 due

Our JH football team last week which means that we will play for the championship this Thursday! Our incredible administration has approved for our to perform in the stands for this away game at Central High School. Below is the schedule for this week’s Trojan Band Game:

4:30 Load busses

4:45 Arrive at Central High School Stadium

5:30 Game begins

6:15 (roughly) Feed kids at half time

7:00 (roughly) Game ends

7:30-7:45 Busses arrive back at CJHS

Keep in mind that students will need to stay after school with me and that they will need to be picked up from the Junior High School afterwards, not the High school .

I am in need of at least 6 parents to ride the busses with me to and from the game as well as our usual parents to help serve food.

If you are able to volunteer please contact me at


M. Menendez

Recap from this weekend and looking ahead

Good afternoon,

We have had a blast lately here at the JH! Thursday was another successful Trojan Band game! The volunteers always keep those games going. I am so thankful for your dedication in ensuring that our students have a wonderful time each game. We will not perform at this week’s Trojan Band Game. We will hopefully perform at next Thursday’s game in the championship assuming the football team wins this Thursday. More info to come.

8th Grade night was a blast! The students performed at the Amp, pre-game and in the stands with the high school band. I loved seeing our students performing and dancing their hearts out all night. I know that it was a long night but I promise that it was an experience that they will never forget.

Saturday was our 4th annual Legacy of Champions band competition. A THIRD long day for a lot of us but a fulfilling and purposeful day. I received numerous compliments about how hard our JH students worked that day. I was beaming from ear to ear each time someone bragged on our students. Thank you to the parents and students who worked extremely hard on Saturday to help our high school band family.

Please pay special attention to the following dates:

10/18 Cancelled Trojan Band Game

10/25 JH Football Championship Game (if they win this week)

10/29 7th Grade after school rehearsal 3:30-5:00

10/30 8th Grade after school rehearsal 3:30-5:00

11/6 Fall Concert @7:00

11/12 Veterans Day Performance (8th Grade only. During school hours)

11/16 Carowinds Deposit $50 due

Thank you for all of your support and have a GREAT week!


-M. Menendez

8th Grade Night

Today is 8th Grade Night! This is a required event for all 8th grade band members. Students will stay after school with me to walk over. They can wear jeans and a T-shirt because we will provide them with a free T-shirt this Friday to change into that is made especially for them. Below is the itinerary that I stole from the high school website. Bring a jacket! 

  • 4:45 pm Report time (leadership should be there early to greet the 8th graders)
  • 5:00 pm Pre-Game Rehearsal
  • 5:30 pm Dinner/Change (provided by boosters)
  • 6:25 pm Uniform check/rehearse stands tunes
  • 6:40 pm depart for the Amp/Pregame
  • 7:30 pm kick-off
    • All 8th grade students will stay for the duration of the game. I will use Remind and also allow them to text you the progress of the game so that you can pin point an accurate pick up time. 

Go Trojans!


Cookie Dough Arrival Thursday

Good evening,

The cookie dough is set to arrive between 10:30 and 12:30 tomorrow. If your child sold a large amount it may be helpful for someone to come to the school and pick up their order so that they do not have to carry it home themselves.

If you are able to volunteer and help out please let me know. We would need volunteers around 10 AM just to play it safe.

Stay dry!


M. Menendez

8th Grade Night/Trojan Band Game/Cookie Dough

Good morning,

We have a LOT going on this week so please pay special attention to the following information.

This Friday is 8th Grade Night! This is a required event for all 8th grade band members. Students will stay after school with me to walk over. They can wear jeans and a T-shirt because we will provide them with a free T-shirt this Friday to change into that is made especially for them. Below is the itinerary that I stole from the high school website.

  • 4:45 pm Report time (leadership should be there early to greet the 8th graders)
  • 5:00 pm Pre-Game Rehearsal
  • 5:30 pm Dinner/Change (provided by boosters)
  • 6:25 pm Uniform check/rehearse stands tunes
  • 6:40 pm depart for the Amp/Pregame
  • 7:30 pm kick-off
    • All 8th grade students will stay for the duration of the game. I will use Remind and also allow them to text you the progress of the game so that you can pin point an accurate pick up time. 

  • Trojan Band Game this Thursday!
    • Students may stay after school with me or get a ride back to the high school band room. Report time is 4:45 at the latest.
    • If you would like to volunteer please let me know!

  • Cookie Dough 
    • It is set to be delivered this Thursday. I will let you know of the exact time once I know it.
    • Volunteers are always appreciated. The cookie dough will come pre-sorted this year so we will just have to hand it to the right kid instead of sorting it ourselves.

  • Legacy of Champions Band Competition
    • This Saturday is our band competition! If you have volunteered to help out then you will receive an email from one of our band boosters providing information for you this week.
    • If you are a student then I will tell  you your specific location and report time again during class this week.

      Thank you all for being so supportive and assisting in any way that you can. This ship would not sail without you all!


Ms. Menendez

Band Competition Volunteers Needed

Good evening,

I am still looking for student or parent volunteers for our band competition next Saturday, the 13th. We are looking for some water station volunteers and stadium guard volunteers. Water station simply fills up cups for bands that are warming up with water while stadium guards block off people from entering the stadium while a band is performing.

The shift is from 6-10 PM that night. If you are available please contact me at

Thank you!

-M. Menendez