Month: August 2018


Good morning,

If your students have not purchased their equipment for the year then please do so as soon as possible!

Many parents are asking about Trojan Band so I want to reiterate some things.

  • We only play for the 8th grade team, not the high school JV team
  • We only play at home games for the first half and then come in to eat
  • We have one rehearsal to put things together on Sept. 18th

All other details will be discussed as we get closer to our first game including how the kids get over to the high school, how parents can volunteer, and how the instruments are transported.

All games and rehearsals for the year are posted on our Calendar on the website. Please reference that or print off this calendar posted the past few weeks.

We are looking for a project to do this holiday season to give back to the community. If you or your students have any ideas please let me know. Something like packaging of food or toys would be incredible.

Upcoming Dates:

9/21 District Honor Band Forms Due

9/18 Trojan Band After School Rehearsal 3:30-4:30 (only one for the season)

**10/12 8th Grade Night. Required for all 8th graders. **


Ms. Menendez

Due Dates Approaching

Good afternoon,

This Friday there are a few things that are due:

Handbook Agreement Form (Green)

Trojan Band Permission Form (Blue)

Band Fee $40 payable through Revtrak, cash or check (written out to CJHS Band)

All equipment for each instrument listed on this Open House that was handed out at Open House.

If your student wants private lessons and coaching the Carrollton Cultural Arts Center has a fantastic program beginning this year. Please check out this Brochure and sign up your student at CSO Music Academy

This is a weekly camp where your student will receive private coaching from professionals, play in chamber music ensembles and even play with an orchestra! I participated in something like this when I was in high school and it was truly life changing. This is great for your student whether you feel like they are an advanced student or a student that needs some remediation.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser is set to begin August 28th and end September 11th. Begin advertising please!

Upcoming Dates:

9/21 District Honor Band Forms Due

9/18 Trojan Band After School Rehearsal 3:30-4:30 (only one for the season)

**10/12 8th Grade Night. Required for all 8th graders. **

Thank you!


M. Menendez

Weekly Announcements

Good evening,

I hope that you have had a restful weekend. Below are a few important announcements:

Please make sure that you have signed the GREEN form that reviews our handbook policies.

Please make sure that you have signed the BLUE form if your student wants to participate in Trojan Band this year. If you have an 8th grader that participated last year and has their hat and shirt I still need a new form with your consent for them to participate. 

Below is our calendar that has two minor errors fixed if you would like to print it off. I added 8th grade night on there and fixed the wrong year that was printed at the top.

Please keep the following two on your radar:

*8th Grade Night on October 12th. Required for all 8th graders. 

*Please pay special attention to our Symphonic Camp on Saturday February 9th from 9AM-Noon. This is required for ALL students and is a grade. With notice this far in advance please plan accordingly and do not schedule anything on that day so that your student can participate and have a blast!

CJHS Band Calendar 2018-2019

(I also recommend clicking on “calendar” on our homepage at the top and syncing it to your phone)

Please keep in mind that all materials and band fees are due August 24th.

Have a great night!

-M. Menendez


Good evening,

We have had a wonderful start to the school year! Below is our schedule for the year. Please take special note to all rehearsals and concerts. All are required unless it is Trojan band or it states a specific grade beside it.

CJHS Band Calendar 2018-2019

Please begin reading through our handbook and take special note to our grading policy this year. Forms will be sent home tomorrow that need to be signed and returned stating that you have read through and understand our handbook.

HANDBOOK 2018 – 2019.doc

District Honor Band etudes and scales are out and may be found below. More information in class will be given to the students.

DHB/All State Etudes

Please make sure that you subscribe to our website and add the Remind.

Text @cjhstrband to 81010

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


M. Menendez


Good morning,

I had to fix an error with our old remind and have switched to a different one that was used a few years ago. Please use the following links and/or codes to join the correct Remind:

or text @cjhstrband to 81010

Thank you for your patience!

Here is the paper from open house in case you did not get a chance to get it. I loved seeing all of you and cannot wait until I can see all of the students tomorrow morning!

Open House

-M. Menendez